A real partnership, every step of the way
At IBA, we know that in order to start, maintain and grow a proton therapy center, you need an experienced partner who is there for you every step of the way. Our services provide you with the necessary expertise, confidence, training and support to make sure your proton therapy center is successful from the very beginning.
Business plan & financing
IBA can assist you with the development of your business plan, with the structuring of your financing and in the search for financiers. IBA aims to walk alongside you as you work through the steps of building your financial plan.
Validated business plan assumptions
Financing options
Search for financial partners

Building & installation
IBA has set more records for the fastest installations than any other proton therapy provider. We understand that getting your system set up quickly means an earlier start in treating patients and providing your community with leading-edge cancer care. While the actual timeline may vary depending on your project, IBA has repeatedly managed to install Proteus® first rooms in less than 12 months.
Building & project management
Business plan & financing proficiency
Design & building expertise
On time installation
Training Excellence
Operations & maintenance
Assist in acceptance & commissioning
Support first patient & ramp-up
Ensure continued treatment
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Because training, transparency and collaboration are cornerstones of a high-performing proton therapy center, IBA has created a comprehensive training and education program, so that your clinical staff can carry out safe and effective proton therapy treatments from day one, while remaining up to speed with the latest developments and techniques.
Online courses with renowned international speakers
Hands-on trainings with state-of-the-art equipment and institutions
Open an exclusive access to our Campus platform , the largest proton therapy knowledge community

Throughout this process, IBA is providing support from a dedicated expert team of application specialists. This team can support you on the acceptance tests, on the commissioning data collection, testing and validation. As well as on your quality assurance program.
Dedicated team of application specialists
Standard acceptance tests
Quality assurance program
First patient & ramp-up
IBA takes a hands-on approach during the ramp up phase and uses our past experiences with our numerous clinical centers to develop a dedicated support program for the ramp up phase. This includes: patient recruitment help, national marketing package, additional education of referrers, collaboration with existing IBA centers for QA validation, and quality system checks, treatment plans validation and other areas of support.

Developing a proton therapy practice at Beaumont,

For IBA, system uptime is more than just a target. Our reliable service team ensures your proton therapy center is always fully operational and updated. We provide support teams, spare parts, and effective processes to ensure full maintenance and performance of our technology at all time.
24/7 worldwide helpdesk support
Use of big data for predictive maintenance
Experts and spare parts hubs in every region worldwide
IBA leaves no client behind. We know that providing proton therapy treatment is not simply a matter of installing the ultimate technology. We are also committed to keeping our clients’ systems up to date, some of which have been with us for more than two decades. Because technology changes quickly, IBA provides upgrade packages that are tailored to the unique configuration of your proton therapy center. You can integrate major enhancements into your system and keep up to date with new functionalities and improved performance.
Proven track record of successful upgrades
Proactive lifecycle management
Upgradable to future clinical and technological capabilities

My Experience with IBA

Your proton therapy community
Campus is the most knowledgeable proton therapy community in the world. With Campus, physicians, medical physicists, dosimetrists, therapists, managers and industry partners will have the tools to share knowledge, and find the information they need at every stage of their proton therapy journey.

10 reasons to trust IBA Proton Therapy
1 | We will partner with you from the start of your project and for the next 20+ years. |
2 | We are the most experienced company with 35 years in Proton Therapy. |
3 | We offer you the latest technology with Proteus. |
4 | We give you access to the most knowledgeable community of users through Campus. |
5 | We drive key developments such as DynamicARC® and ConformalFLASH® together with you. |
6 | We ensure smooth operation of your center through on-site and off-site service teams. |
7 | We keep your system at the leading edge of technology through upgrades. |
8 | We provide best in class training and education. |
9 | We openly partner with all industry leaders in the field, the choice is yours. |
10 | We have proven track records of systems reliability. |
Contact IBA
To know more about our products, technologies,
services and research, don't hesitate to get in touch!