Faster, Simpler, Sharper
IBA is developing a new delivery technique called DynamicARC® proton therapy. It allows dynamic irradiation while the gantry is rotating, with the advantages of both Pencil Beam Scanning (PBS) and Bragg Peak but without the exit dose.1,2
DynamicARC® * Proton Therapy is being developed with the aim to deliver faster, easier and potentially sharper proton therapy treatments.
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IBA’s leadership in proton therapy#
patients treated with Proteus advanced technology
of all patients treated with IBA proton therapy equipment worldwide
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proton therapy treatment rooms
years of leadership in the field
* DynamicARC® is a registered brand of the IBA’s Proton Arc therapy solution currently under research and development phase. It will be available for sale when regulatory clearance is received.
1. Ding X, Li X, Zhang JM, Kabolizadeh P, Stevens C, Yan D. Spot-scanning proton arc (SPArc) therapy: The first robust and delivery-efficient spot-scanning proton arc therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys [Internet]. 2016;96(5):1107–16.
2. Liu G, Zhao L, Liu P, Yan D, Deraniyagala R, Stevens C, et al. Development of a standalone delivery sequence model for proton arc therapy. Med Phys [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Apr 27];51(4):3067–75.